Add Group

To add a new group, click on the Add Group option from the Group Tasks navigation menu on the left side of the screen, and the Group Editor window will open. 

 The Group Editor includes 4 main tabs: 

  • General 
  • Permission 
  • Members 
  • Roles 
  • Categories 

  A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

 From the General tab, you can enter: 

  • Group Title: The name of the User Group you are trying to create. Creating a description User Group can help you quickly identify the group throughout the ExpensePoint™ system. 
  • Description: The description for this user group is to help you understand why you have created it and its scope. 

When you click OK, it will save the User Group, and you can see it right away in the User Group list in the top section. 


Watch the video below about adding a User Group.