Advanced Settings

Then click on Advanced Settings from the left-side navigation menu. 

  The Advanced Settings will include two main sections that cover the settings for: 

  • Expenses 
  • Report Print Preview 

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From the Expenses section, you can adjust the following: 

  • In the default view, expenses can only be viewed by Approvers/Accounting when the report has been 'marked finished.' 
  • Do not allow Accounting to flag expenses or reports as reconciled. The option to mark them as not reconciled will remain. If marked reconciled, it will be suppressed from the Automation Manager. 
  • Allow users to copy reports and expenses. 
  • Allow cash advances. 
  • Allow users to mark credit card transactions as personal expenses, cash advances, or cash advance returns. Note: If you enable this option due to cash advances or personal expenses, the balance from the statement will not match the amounts in our system. 
  • Allow Xporter to re-export expenses if they have been marked 'unreconciled.' 
  • Allow Accounting to delete reports. 
  • Expenses edited by approvers will be sent for reapproval 
  • Use default minimum receipt matching strength - by default, the minimum is set to 50%. Uncheck the checkbox to be able to set a different % for the match. Once done, do not forget to check the checkbox again. 

Each option has a checkbox to check/enable any of these settings. By default, all of the options are enabled once you set up your account (except for reconciled expenses) 


Report Print Preview 

Under the Report Print Preview section, you can adjust the following: 

  • Enabling this will sort expenses by date rather than by category. 
  • Show a weekly breakdown of expenses. 
  • Show a category breakdown of expenses 
  • In the GL Summary, group all line items by payment type. 
  • Also group taxes by payment type. 
  • Show subtotals for each payment type. 
  • In the GL Summary, display taxes by GL code rather than by name. 
  • In the GL Summary, display project numbers at the end of GL Codes. 


Watch the video below about the Advanced Settings.