Analysis Manager

Analysis Manager provides a comprehensive view of your organization's business expenses. You have the flexibility to generate customized analytic reports that offer insights into your business performance and your employees' spending habits. For instance, if you would like to review the expenses incurred by your organization by month, with a detailed breakdown of all expenses accrued in that month by the users responsible, you can easily filter the data to get such a report. 

Also, you can tailor your analytic reports to better align with your specific business requirements. This involves incorporating additional filters that determine the details to be included in your reports and selecting the columns you want to feature in the analytics. 

It's important to note that the Analysis Manager is not designed for accounting integrations and does not incorporate GL codes or payroll information. This is primarily due to its focus on the approval status of expenses, which can be approved, declined in the approval process, or still need to be submitted. While there are no GL Code details, you can employ various filters to sort and segment the data as required. Additionally, you can save these reports for future reference. 

Any of the reports can be exported in Excel or PDF format, allowing you to apply your own filters and conduct searches. This feature is invaluable if you're involved in auditing, budgeting, or forecasting activities. 

To get to the reporting feature, click on it from Analysis Manager from the top of your ExpensePoint™ application. 

The Analysis Reports workspace will open with the following options on the left-side navigation menu: 

  • My Saved Reports 
  • My Custom Reports 
  • Analysis Reports 

From here, you will need to pick a report for further analysis. 

By default, the data from any of the reports will first be displayed in a sample layout.  

 You will need to click on Generate Report to get the most up-to-date data for the selected report. Some reports will offer you the option to generate the report as a Summary or in Detail

Select your preferred option, then click on the Generate Report

The report will start loading, but you can cancel if necessary. 

In the upper part of the Analysis Manager workspace, you will have several action options. 

The typical actions you can perform with the reports include: 

  • Add Filter – Filters are a great way to ensure that you only see the relevant information that matters most to your current task, making your report more efficient and effective. You can apply the following options for the filter: 
  • Approval count 
  • Approval date (by accounting)
  • Approved user 
  • Author 
  • Automation manager batch 
  • Category 
  • Commented on by a user 
  • Cost per unit 
  • Currency
  • Date incurred 
  • Department 
  • Description 
  • Exchange rate 
  • Expense creation date 
  • Expense edit required 
  • Expense hardcopy has been received 
  • Expense hardcopy received date 
  • Expense is approved (by accounting) 
  • Expense is declined 
  • Expense is exported 
  • Expense is reconciled 
  • Expense is submitted 
  • Expense is unsubmitted 
  • Expense transaction 
  • Export date 
  • GL code 
  • Notes 
  • Payment type 
  • Personal expense 
  • Policy infraction 
  • Project number 
  • Receipt included 
  • Receipt not included reason 
  • Receipt total 
  • Reconciliation date 
  • Region 
  • Report cash advance remaining 
  • Report cash advance total 
  • Report creation date 
  • Report is marked finished 
  • Report reimbursement currency 
  • Report summary 
  • Report title 
  • Split billable source 
  • Submission date 
  • Tax 
  • Total (in company's currency) 
  • Total (in user's currency 
  • Transaction posted date 
  • Transaction template 
  • Units 
  • Units label 
  • User 
  • User-defined field 
  • User's group 
  • Vendor 

  • Save As - if you’d like to save the report to your computer, you can click on Save As and choose the format you wish to be saved. The available format options are: 
  • Adobe PDF 
  • Excel 
  • CSV (comma-separated value) 
  • Print – click Print if you wish to print the report in a user-friendly format. 


Additionally, you have a couple more options on the upper right side of the workspace if you choose to: 

  • Convert Currency - should you wish to modify the currency used in your reports, simply click on Convert Currency and choose the desired currency from the drop-down menu. This will be converted using the rate on the report's running date, not on the date incurred. 

  • Save this report - if you'd like to save this report with the applied filters and make it available in My Saved Reports for quick access, click on Save the report


In addition to the filters you can apply to the report data, you can also change how you look at it. Generally, there are a few ways to view the reports, but some may not have all these options: 

  • Grid View – This is a default tabular view of the selected report that you can review within the Analysis Manager workspace. 
  • Paper View - Opt for Paper View if you want to preview how the selected report would appear when printed, offering a user-friendly, print-ready format. 
  • Graph View - To visualize the report in graphical form, select Graph View to explore the data through charts. 
  • Summary – Choose this option to get a summarized view of your report. 
  • Detail – Select the Detail option to obtain the report in a more detailed view. 


Watch the video below about the Analysis Manager.