Approve Expense

Approving Expenses in ExpensePoint.

To approve an Expense from an Expense Report, go to the Expense Manager from the top of your ExpensePoint™ application. 

Once the Approver workspace opens, select the Expense Report from the upper part of the screen. 

The select the Expense from the bottom of the screen. 

All of the expenses will include the status of the Expense as “Requires your attention” (section 5 from below image) which simply says that you would need to review all the Expenses/Expense Report before you approve them. 

Additionally, there are some more helpful icons to guide you through the approval review:  

A screen shot of a computer

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1 – the yellow triangle represents the status of the Expense. If it exists, the Expense requires attention/review. This is also the case where this triangle represents whether the Expense was submitted or not. 

2 – the Flag icon shows any Policy Infractions or the presence of any Duplicates

3 – displays the icon of the financial institution in case this expense came as part of the Transactions feed. 

4 – displays the presence or absence of any comments left by either the Submitter or Approver. 

5 – this section shows the status of the expenses from the selected Expense Report. 

6 – the clip icon shows whether the Expense has an attached Receipt or not. 

Once the Expense is selected and ready to be approved, you can click on the Approve Expense option form the Approver tasks navigation menu. 

Note: You will not have the Approve/Reject options if you select your own Expense or Expense Report. Since you are in an Approver Role, you can only approve the Expenses or Expense Reports for the submitting users for which you are assigned to approve by your admin. 

As soon as you approve all of the Expense, they will disappear from the Expenses list on the bottom of the workspace as well as from the Expense Reports section. 

If there are any expenses that were neither Approver or Rejected, the Expense Report will stay in your queue until all the Expenses are reviewed.