Approver Dashboard and Tasks

Approver Tasks 

In addition to the options that are available to a Submitter user, Approvers will have some additional options in their navigation menu. 

From the left side navigation menu you will have the Approver Tasks from where you can approve or reject Expenses or Expense Reports

Just like in the Submitter’s workspace, in the upper part of the Expense Manager are located the Expense Reports, Expenses on the bottom part and Receipt on the right side of the workspace. On the left side is the Receipts section, where you can preview attached receipts. 

Depending on what you select, whether an Expense Report or an Expense, the options available to you will change to: 

  • Approve Expense – you can approve only the selected Expense from the Expense Report  
  • Decline – you can reject only the selected Expense from the Expense Report 
  • Approve Report – you can approve the selected Expense Report 
  • Decline Report – you can reject the whole Expense Report, including all Expenses

Also, the Quick Search navigation menu, will be a little different from the Submitter user, since you will also be able to view your reports in addition to the Expense reports that require your approval. 


My Current Work – will display your current Expense Reports as well as the reports pending your approval submitted by other users (submitters). This options filers all of your expense reports by the unsubmitted status and orders the reports in descending order based on the date the expense report was created.  

My Recent Work – will display the Expense Reports that you were working on within the last 24 hours, regardless of their submission status. 

All My Work – will include all the Expense Reports regardless of their Submission or Approval status.