Approver Dashboard - Web

Once logged in as an Approver, Administrator or Accounting user, the main Dashboard is organized in a very similar structure as to the Submitters, except some sections: 

  1. Reports to Approve
  2. Company Links
  3. Total Value of Expenses You Have Approved
  4. Total Days for Report Approval

Reports to Approve 

Your Pending Reports - this section will list all the expense reports you have submitted, that are pending approvals. The list will include: 

- Days Pending - total amount of days elapsed since the report has been submitted for approval 

- Report Title - the name of the report 

- Expense Count - total expense line items on the report 

- Amount - the total amount of the expense report that would be approved. The total amount will be in your currency. 

The list will also show the total: 

- Pending Reports - the count of all pending reports submitted for approval 

- Value of Reports - the total value for all submitted pending reports 


Total Value of Expenses You Have Approved 

Total Value of Expenses You Have Approved - this section will display the overall amount of the expense reports you have previously approved. 


Average Days for Report Approval 

Average Days for Report Approval - this section will show the average amount of days it took you to previously approve expense reports.