Approver Groups

You can add a group of approvers, by going into the Approver Groups tab from the Role Editor

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This will include the table of all your available approver groups. 


Add an Approver Group 

If you need to add an Approver, you can do so by clicking on the Add button. 

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This will open the Role Editors-Groups screen which will include a list of groups with: 

  • Group Title 
  • Group Description 

A screenshot of a group

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Select the necessary user groups from the list, then click OK to add them to the list of Approver groups, that will belong to the role you are creating/modifying/creating. Any members that are part of the assigned Approver group can receive the Expense Reports for approval. However, the priority will be chosen based on the Approver’s least amount of report lines approved. 

Once you are done creating the new Role from the Role Editor, click OK to save the role. 


Remove an Approver Group 

If you need to delete an approving group, you can Remove any of the Approver Groups by selecting the group name row first, then click on the Remove button. 

A confirmation screen will popup asking you to confirm the deletion: 

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Click Yes to confirm, or No to cancel. 


Watch the video below about the Approver Groups tab when Adding a New Role.