Automation Manager

 The Automation Manager enables you to set up automations that allow the export of the ExpensePoint™ Expense Reports records to be imported into your accounting software. 

Automation Manager can also prove highly effective for addressing your expanded reporting requirements. While Analysis Manager is designed for analyzing Expense Reports, Automation Manager goes further by providing additional details, such as GL codes. The output files generated by Automation Manager can be conveniently dispatched via email or deposited into an SFTP repository, with the added benefit of scheduling these operations at your preferred frequency. This process does not incorporate filters, as its primary function is not analysis but rather the straightforward export of approved Expense Reports in their current state from ExpensePoint™. 

The exported files will not duplicate the existing data; instead, they will include the newly approved data from the Expense Reports in the subsequent export file. If required, you have the flexibility to customize the fields within the files generated by the Automation Manager, such as using 1xx fields or merging them, before transmitting the data to your accounting software, for instance. 

For successful export, the file format must align with the format requirements of the importing software. 

To set up any automations, go to the Automations Manager module from the top navigation menu.  

Depending on your screen size, it may not be visible on the top menu, and you should be able to find it under the More menu from the upper right corner of your screen. 

The Automation Manager will open the workspace with the list of Output Files. The list will display such information as: 

  • File name 
  • Batches 
  • Schedule 
  • Next processed on – if the file is scheduled for export, it will have the date of next processing/export. 

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From here you can: 

  • Add new file 
  • View Batches 
  • Edit File 
  • Delete file 

                                    A screenshot of a computer

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 A screenshot of a computer menu

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Watch the video below about the Automation Manager.