Comment an Expense Report

If you have previously made any Comments for the selected expense report, you will see a number displayed on top of the hamburger menu . This number reflects the number of Comments you have for it (either yours or your approvers). 

To view Comments made on an Expense Report, tap on the desired Expense Report from the My Reports module on the homepage. 

From there, go to the hamburger menu and click on the Comments option.  

The Comments screen will show: 

  •  the user name that commented on the expense report 
  •  the comment itself and  
  • the date when the comment was made. 

To Add a New Comment to an Expense Report, go ahead in the Comments field and add your text. 

When ready, click Save button from the upper right corner of the screen to save the Comment

You will notice the number increase by the amount of Comments you’ve entered on top of the hamburger menu icon.