Condition Editor

The Condition Editor includes 4 important and mandatory fields: 

  • Field Name 
  • Operation 
  • Value Type 
  • Value 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Field Name - From here you can choose the field for which you want the create the condition for. You can select any of the available fields from the dropdown list, which will include: 

  • Approval Level 
  • Author 
  • Billable Source 
  • Category 
  • Cost Per Unit 
  • Currency 
  • Entry Age 
  • Exchange Rate 
  • GL Code 
  • GL Code Description 
  • Is Billable Source 
  • Past Approver 
  • Payment Type 
  • Project Number 
  • Receipt Included 
  • Receipt Total 
  •  Report Title 
  • Report Total 
  • Time to Submission 
  • Total 
  • Units 
  • Vendor 


Operation - from this field you can set the type of operation you wish to be satisfied with the selected field from the previous step. Depending on the Field Name selected from the above options, the available Operations could be: 

  • Equal to 
  • Not Equal to 
  • Less than 
  • Greater than 
  • Greater or Equal 
  • Less or Equal 
  • Starts with 
  • Ends with 
  • Contains 
  • Does not contain 


Value Type - as soon as you select the Operation type, the Value Type field will offer you options for the type. Again, the Value Type will correspond to the selection made from the Field Name and Operation fields. 


As soon as you choose the Value Type, this will enable you to enter the value in the next Value Field. Value - here you can manually enter or select from the available options the value for the Operation field selected in the previous step to satisfy the Condition for the field that you have chosen from the Field Name


All Conditions are following a logic sequence and are interdependent. To create a Condition, all 4 fields from the Condition Editor are required. If you are missing any of the fields, you will not be able to create the Condition

As soon as you are done click on OK to save the Condition