Copy Expense

Sometimes you incur similar or ongoing expenses, and it would be easier to just copy an existing expense and make minimal updates. 

Note: Expenses can only be copied inside an Expense Report. 

To copy an expense, firstly select the expense report form the Expense Report section. Then select the expense from the Expenses section and click on the Copy Expense option form the left side navigation menu. 

As soon as you click on the Copy Expense a confirmation window will pop up asking you to confirm the copying. 

If you clicked on it by accident, close the window or click No. If you wish to proceed with the copying of the expense, click Yes

You will notice your copied expense in the Expenses section along with a new button showing up on the left side to Review Duplicates

The ExpensePoint™ system will flag any duplicate expenses in orange. Generally, it will detect the match based on 3 main criteria:  matching the total amount, date and vendor.  

Note: If such duplicates were submitted by the user, the approver or the accounting can take further steps to clarify them by reviewing comments or decline the expense/report. 

If you click on the Review Duplicates, you will be able to see both expenses that have same information.  

The first one will always be the one you have just duplicated. The second one is the one that you used for duplication. The window will display duplication conflicts in a tabular view with a section for each: 

  • Current Expense 
  • Possible Duplicate expense(s) 

The table for both sections will include: 

  • Report Title 
  • Tracking # 
  • Vendor 
  • Total 
  • Date 
  • Description 

If you have acknowledged the duplicates you can click on the View Expense to go back to the expenses list and see it there. Otherwise, you can leave a comment on it, for your approver’s reference. 

Once you have entered your comment, you can save it by clicking on the Add button. 

Adding a Comment to the duplicate expense is a great way to make any notes to reference in future the reason of duplication or conflict. 

To view or modify any details of the copied expense, you can click on it from the Expenses section and made any necessary edits. 

It is not excluded that there might be cases when your expense is identical with another one, except the date might be the only difference between them. By updating the date (or amount or vendor) you will resolve the duplication conflict and once saved, the expense items will be displayed as regular expense (not highlighted anymore).