Copy Report

Sometimes you may want to copy an expense report e.g for ongoing expenses, and it would be easier to just copy an existing expense report and make minimal updates. 

To duplicate or copy and expense report, go to Copy Report option from the navigation menu under Entry Tasks


As soon as you click it, a confirmation window will pop up asking you to confirm the copy. 


Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. 

  If you have confirmed copying of the expense report, it will be now visible in your Expense Reports section as a Copy of - XYZ Report (your report name) 


The copied expense report now has duplicate expenses attached to it and you will be notified about the duplicate expenses through the Review Duplicates menu option now showing up under the View Tasks navigation menu on the left side of the screen: 


Note: You will be able to see this menu options only by clicking on any of the Expenses from the original or copied Expense Report. 


Copying an Expense report will not copy the Receipts. 

Learn more about the Review Duplicates link.