Copy Report

Copy an Expense Report in Expense Mobile App.

To copy an Expense Report, go to My Reports module from the Expense navigation tab. 

From there, go to the upper right hamburger menu and choose the Select option first. By tapping on it, the Copy Report menu item will show up. This will also allow you to pick the Expense Report you wish to copy. 

Once the Expense Report(s) id selected, tap on the Copy Report menu option to delete it.  

A confirmation message will show up asking you to confirm the duplication. Tap Yes to confirm, otherwise tap No

For an Expense Report that does not have any expenses on it will Copy without any issues. The duplicated report Title will change to Copy of – Name of the Report (XYZ). 

If the Expense Report has any Expenses inside, the duplicated report will be visible on the screen, but when you tap on it you will notice the Expense within would be highlighted in orange. Tap on the Expense itself and you will see a notification on top of the screen that will tell you about possible duplicate expense(s). Similar behaviour you will notice on the report that was used for duplication. 

The ExpensePoint™ matching feature is usually triggered as soon as there is any kind of duplication, whether reports or expenses, it will identify any duplicates right away and will flag them as such. This is to allow you to review the report and expense details to exclude any duplication of expense. 


Note: If the copied report required editing, the duplicated report would also display the Report Requires Editing tag.