Create Mileage Expense

The easiest way to create a Mileage Expense is through the mobile. Learn how to do that from this article. 

You can also create Mileage Expense through the ExpensePoint™ web application. 

If the expense report has already been created, select it from the Expense Reports section.  

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Once you click on it, the navigation bar will display all available options for the selected expense report, including Add New Expense


Click on the Add New Expense option from the Entry Tasks navigation menu from the left side of your workspace. By clicking on it, the New Expense window will open for the selected Expense Report

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As soon as you set the Category to a Mileage category, you will notice the Expense form will update to capture the necessary details to be filled in for the corresponding Mileage Expense

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The Mileage Expense details can include: 

Date Incurred - add the date when the expense occurred.  

Category - from the drop-down list select the Mileage Category. If you do not have Mileage Category setup, contact your administrator. If you have appropriate permissions, click here to learn more how you can setup the Categories. 

Mileage for Business Use – this ill be pre-filled so you do not have to select anything from here. 

Payment Type - by default, this field will be pre-selected with the Employee Paid type.  

GL Code - Enter or select the GL Code for this expense. Sometimes the GL Codes will already be preselected depending on the category you have chosen in the filed above. Similarly, the GL Codes can also be preselected by user. 

This field requires you to have set up the GL Codes prior to creating an expense in your expense Report. If you do not have them set up prior to creating an expense, you will get an error: 

Note: You can either request your administrator to configure the GL (General Ledger) settings, allowing you to create expenses for expense reports, or explore how to do it yourself with the appropriate permissions. 

Reason for Trip – Enter the purpose of this trip 

Personal Expense - check this box if the expense is a personal expense. Personal Expenses will not be reimbursed. 

Map needs to be included in expense – check this box if you are including the Map screenshot from the Add Route. If left unchecked, the next field would ask you for the Reason why it was not included. If a map is required, you would need to click on the Add Route in the upper tab of the screen to create a map from your location Setting. 

Destination points – Enter the To and From destinations from your Mileage trip.  

Notes - by clicking on this field a window will pop up for longer form text for your convenience to write some notes for this expense. 

Total Distance Driven (Please use Route) - Enter the distance driven between the destinations. The easiest way would be to use the Route Calculator, by clicking on the Add Route tab from the Expense upper menu of the screen. 

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You will need to enter the To/From destination, for the tool to calculate the Mileage as well as capture the screenshot of the map to attach as a “receipt” confirmation. 

You may add multiple destinations if needed, as well as change the metric from KM to Miles or vice-versa.  

The Round Trip checkbox will automatically double your mileage for the Round Trip based on the To/From destinations entered. 

Alternatively, you may use the Mileage Calculator tool, by clicking on the icon form the right side of the field

The Calculator also allows you to split the Mileage into Business and Personal Mileage as necessary, so that you can claim only the Business-related Mileage

Reimbursement per mile/km driven – this filed is not editable, as the Rate per km/mile is set by default. This is the rate that will be multiplied by the e.g. kilometers driven so that you are reimbursed for this amount. 

Contact your administrator if the rate needs to be set or is not accurate. 

Currency - your default currency will be pre-selected in this field, but you can chance it if your expense was in another currency. Select the necessary currency from the drop-down list from this field. 

Exchange - if the expense was in a different currency, the Exchange Rate field will display the rate of exchange for the selected currency as per the license. 

Taxes - select the taxes type applied to your expense, according to receipt. If needed, you may choose multiple options. Learn more how to set up the taxes or ask your administrator. 

Receipt Total - the total amount for this expense line item. Will be disabled by default as it is redundant in case of Mileage Category

Reimbursement Total – the total amount of the receipt. Please note that the receipt total and the total amounts could be different in scenarios where, for example, you left a tip on top of the receipt total in a restaurant. 

 Important! If any information from the Total Distance Driven field to Reimbursement Total fields is modified, all the related fields will also change. 

As soon as all the required information is entered, you may save it by clicking on the Save button from the upper menu of the window. 

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 To add comments to this expense, you may click on the Comments button to add more details. 

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 The comments will be automatically saved to your expense.  

If this is the first time you are creating an expense, as soon as you Save the expense, the navigation menu will change to reflect the actions you can do on an expense. Otherwise, you can access this menu in the Expense Manager by clicking on any expense belonging to an expense report.