Create New Expense from Transactions

To add Expenses through Transactions to an Expense Report you would need to create the Expense Report first. 

Learn more about how to create an Expense Report here. 

Once you have the Expense Report created, go to the Transactions option from the Entry Tasks navigation menu. 

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The Transactions list window will open. 

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Assuming that you have already verified matches, marked Transactions as Personal or Cash Advances, you may click on the Transaction(s) that you wish to add to the Expense Report. Once selected, choose the Expense Report from the drop-down field then click on Add to Report

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This way the Transactions will be linked to an Expense from the selected Expense Report. However, if the transaction has the Verify Match puzzle icon  , the Expense might be missing e.g. Receipt or other details. For this, you would need to Verify Match from this Expense. Learn more from this article

The easiest way would be to Verify Match while you are in the Transactions list window and only then to add the Transaction to the Expense Report. Learn more about Verifying Match from the Transactions in this article

Either way you do it, the moment you click the Verify Match, the Expense will be added to the Expense Report

On expenses created through Transactions, the date, the establishment, and the total will come from the credit card statement and will auto populate the Expense with this info. However, other important information pertaining to the Expense will need to be entered next. 

You will notice that such Expenses, will display Edit required status, because they were created only based on the initial available information either from the Transaction or Receipt and is missing the details for the rest of the Expense fields. 

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You will need to double click on the Expense line to open it and continue adding the relevant information. 

To learn more about the details to be entered into the Expense, click on this article