1. Knowledge Center
  2. Overview
  3. User Interface Familiarization

Dashboard Submitters

Once logged into ExpensePoint™, the main Dashboard will show up welcoming your user. 

You will have access to an informative dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of your expenses and reports. 

Take a few seconds to familiarize yourself with the application. 

To navigate between the modules, click on the menu options from the top of the screen. 

On the left side of the screen is the navigation menu for the current module you are on. 

Each navigation menu can have a few navigation menu options. 

To logout, click on the Logout button from the upper right corner of the screen. 

Depending on what time of user you are, whether a Submitter or other, you will see different sections on the Dashboard. 

As a Submitter user, your Dashboard will include 4 main sections: 

  1. Your Pending Reports 
  1. Company Links 
  1. Total Value of Your Approved Expenses 
  1. Total Value of Your Approved Expenses By month 


My Pending Reports 

Your Pending Reports - this section will list all the expense reports you have submitted, that are pending approvals. The list will include: 

  • Days Pending - total amount of days elapsed since the report has been submitted for approval. 
  • Report Title - the name of the report 
  • Expense Count - total expense line items on the report 
  • Amount - the total amount of the expense report that would be approved. The total amount will be in your currency. 

The list will also show the total: 

  • Pending Reports - the count of all pending reports submitted for approval. 
  • Value of Reports - the total value for all submitted pending reports. 

Company Links 

Company Links - this section will showcase the most important links available to you, whether Expense Reports policy, SOPs or How To videos to help you navigate across the app. Company Links is also a great way to host web links of your preferred vendors. By clicking on any of the links from this section, a new tab will open with the contents of that page. 

Total Value of Your Approved Expenses  

Total Value of Your Approved Expenses - this section will display the overall amount of your previously approved expense reports. 

Total Value of Your Approved Expenses By month  

Total Value of Your Approved Expenses By month - this section will show the overall amount of your previously approved expense reports split by month. This will help you understand you monthly expenses. 


Main Navigation Options 

The left side navigation menu on your Dashboard will include the following items: 

- User Tasks 

- Personal Settings 


Under User Tasks menu, you will find such options as: 

- Change Password 

- View Personal Information 

- Convert Currency 

- Application Info 


Under the Personal Settings you will find: 

- Vendors 

- Projects 

- Notification Settings 

- Select your Language