Delete Category

If you need to delete a Category, go to the Settings Manager from the top of your ExpensePoint™ app. 

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From there, click on the Categories menu option from the left side of the screen. As soon as the list of categories opens, click on the Category name that you wish to delete from the list. 

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To delete a category from your Categories list, go to Categories navigation menu from the left side of your screen. 

 Select the category from the available list of categories. Then click on the Delete Category option from the Categories navigation menu. 

Note: You cannot delete a Category if this Category is currently assigned to an open Expense or an unsubmitted Expense Report by anu user. 

 A confirmation window will popup asking you to confirm the deletion. 

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Click Yes to confirm, otherwise click No to cancel. 

 If you clicked on Delete category without selecting the category from the categories list you will be notified to select a category first. 


Watch the video below about the Delete Category feature.