Delete Expenses

Delete Expenses in ExpensePoint Mobile App.

The Select option allows you to: 

  • Delete expense, cash advance or other items 
  • Copy Expense 
  • Copy Split Allocation 
  • Delete Expense 
  • Split Expense 

 o delete an expense from the expenses list in an expense report, go to the hamburger menu and tap on Select option.  

Then go ahead and select the expense that you wish to be deleted. You can select one or more options, as necessary. 

Then tap on the Delete Expense, Delete Cash Advance or Delete item(s) depending on the type of expenses you've selected. 

Prior to the item(s) being deleted you will get a confirmation message asking you to confirm the deletion. 

Tap yes to confirm, otherwise tap No. 

If you need to delete all expenses from the selected expense report, tap on Select All, then tap on Delete item(s).