Delete User

Users who no longer require access to the ExpensePoint™ system, such as e.g contractors or temporary employees, may have their accounts deleted to maintain security and reduce potential risks. 

Also, if you are on a License plan with ExpensePoint™, deleting unused user accounts can free up licenses for new users or reallocate licenses to active users. 

When deleting an existing user, ensure that you have the All Users user group selected from the upper part of the workspace, unless this User belongs to another User Group from where you can select it. 

To delete a user, go to Delete User option from the User Tasks navigation menu from the left side of the screen. This will prompt a confirmation screen to confirm the deletion. 

A screenshot of a computer

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Once confirmed the selected user will be deleted. If you click No it will cancel the deletion. 

Note: Deleted user accounts, can be later restored. When deleting a user, their Expense Reports and history cannot be deleted. 

Click here to view the Restore Delete User article. 


Watch the video below about Deleting a User.