Force Password Change

Forcing Users to change their passwords regularly is a security measure implemented by many organizations and systems to enhance security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access. 

Passwords can become weaker over time due to factors like dictionary attacks or evolving hacking techniques. Forcing Password Changes ensures that passwords are periodically updated with stronger and more secure alternatives. 

Many regulatory frameworks and industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS) require organizations to implement Password Change policies to protect user data and maintain compliance. 

To force a password change, go to Force Password Change option from the User Tasks navigation menu from the left side of the screen. 

A screen shot of a computer

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This will prompt a confirmation window: 

A screenshot of a computer

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Click Yes to confirm, otherwise click No to cancel. 

If you need to enforce users to Change Passwords at the beginning of the year, for GDPR compliance or Xstock certification, select all the users then click on Force Password Change. Next time the user logs in they will be prompted to Change their Password


Watch the video below about Force Password Change.