
Approval Workflow: A predefined sequence of steps that an expense report must go through for review and approval, often involving multiple stakeholders. 

Audit Trail: A record of all actions and changes made to an expense report, providing a history of who did what and when. 

Authoring or Expense Delegation: The option for employees to delegate expense report creation, editing, submission and approval (if necessary) responsibilities to colleagues in their absence. 

Automated Approval: The process of using predefined rules and thresholds to automatically approve or flag expenses for further review, reducing manual intervention. 

Cloud-Based Expense Management: A system hosted in the cloud, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, offering scalability and flexibility. 

Compliance: Ensuring that expenses adhere to company policies, tax regulations, and other relevant laws. 

Corporate Credit Card Integration: The ability to link corporate credit card transactions directly to the expense management system, simplifying expense tracking. 

Cost Center: A specific department or project within an organization to which expenses are allocated or charged. 

Currency Conversion: The feature that automatically converts expenses in foreign currencies to the organization's base currency for reporting and reimbursement purposes. 

Expense Allocation: The process of distributing expenses across different cost centers or projects when multiple departments or activities are involved. 

Expense Analytics: Tools and reports that allow organizations to analyze spending patterns, identify cost-saving opportunities, and monitor compliance with expense policies. 

Expense Auditor or Accounting User: An individual or team responsible for reviewing and verifying expense reports for accuracy and compliance. 

Expense Category: A predefined classification or grouping of expenses, such as travel, meals, office supplies, or entertainment. 

Expense Dashboard: A central hub within the system where users can view and manage all their expense-related tasks, including creating new reports, reviewing approvals, and tracking reimbursements. 

Expense Management System (EMS): The software or platform designed to streamline and automate the process of recording, tracking, approving, and managing expenses within an organization. 

Expense Policy: The guidelines and rules established by an organization governing acceptable expenses, spending limits, and reimbursement procedures. 

Expense Report Policy Enforcement: Automatic checks and validations in the system to ensure expense reports adhere to established policies. 

Expense Policy Violation: Instances where submitted expenses do not comply with the organization's expense policies, leading to rejection or correction. 

Expense Reconciliation: The act of balancing and verifying all expenses against the organization's financial records and accounts. 

Expense Rejection: The action taken by an approver to deny or reject an expense report due to policy violations, errors, or incomplete information. 

Expense Report: A detailed summary of an individual's or team's expenses, including receipts and descriptions, submitted for approval and reimbursement (if applicable). 

Expense Report Aging: Monitoring the time it takes for expense reports to move through the approval process to ensure timely reimbursements. 

Expense Report Approvers: Individuals with the authority to review and approve or reject expense reports based on company policies. 

Expense Report Analytics Dashboard: An advanced analytics tool that provides in-depth insights into expense data, facilitating data-driven decision-making. 

Expense Report Currency Exchange Rates: Real-time or predefined rates used to convert foreign currency expenses into the organization's base currency. 

Expense Report Data Export API: An Application Programming Interface that enables the integration of expense data with other business systems. 

Expense Report Duplication Detection: A feature that identifies and prevents the submission of duplicate expenses within the system. 

Expense Report Export: The feature that allows users to export expense data in various formats, such as PDF, Excel, or CSV, for further analysis or sharing. 

Expense Receipt Matching: The process of cross-referencing submitted receipts with corresponding expenses to ensure validity. 

Expense Report Status: Indicates the current stage of an expense report in the approval process, such as "Submitted" or "Approved." 

Expense Report Submission Reminder: Automated notifications or reminders sent to users when their expense reports are approaching the submission deadline (upcoming feature) 

Expense Report Submission Attachments: Supporting documents, such as contracts or project approvals, that can be attached to expense reports for context. 

Expense Report Submission Comments: The ability for users to provide additional explanations or justifications for specific expenses within their reports. 

Expense Thresholds: Specified limits or caps on expenses, often based on categories, job roles, or project budgets, to prevent overspending. 

Expense Trends Analysis: Examining historical expense data to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential cost-saving opportunities. 

Expense User Training: Training programs or resources provided to employees to help them effectively use the expense management system. 

GDPR: GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, a European law for protecting personal data. 

Integration: The ability of the expense management system to connect with other financial and accounting software, such as ERP systems or payroll software. 

Mileage Tracking: The capability to record and calculate expenses related to business-related travel based on the number of miles driven. 

Mobile App: A mobile application that allows users to capture expenses, submit reports, and track reimbursement status on their smartphones or tablets. 

Mobile Expense Capture OCR: Optical Character Recognition technology used in the mobile app to automatically extract data from receipt images. 

Multi-Currency Support: The system's ability to handle expenses and transactions in various foreign currencies. 

Per Diem: A fixed daily allowance provided to employees for meals and incidental expenses when traveling, instead of reimbursing actual expenses. 

Permission Set:  A Permission Set is a way to grant customized access to users in a software system. 

Receipt Capture: The feature within the system that allows users to upload and attach digital or scanned copies of receipts to their expense reports. 

Reconciliation: Reconciliation is the process of comparing and aligning financial records to ensure accuracy and consistency. 

Recurring Expenses: Expenses that are incurred on a regular basis, such as monthly subscriptions or utility bills, which can be automated for convenience. 

Reimbursement: The process by which an employee is refunded for expenses they have incurred on behalf of the organization. 

Split Expenses: Dividing a single expense into multiple categories or cost centers, ensuring accurate allocation of costs. 

Tax Compliance: Ensuring that expenses are recorded and reported in accordance with tax laws and regulations. 

User Profile: Individual user accounts within the system, each with its own settings, permissions, and access levels. 

Vendor: A vendor is a business or individual that supplies goods or services to another entity.