Linked Email Address

To receive receipts directly in your Receipt Wallet from your email, you can establish a link between your email and the ExpensePoint™ system. This connection enables you to receive and view receipts seamlessly within your Receipt Wallet


To set it up, go to the Receipt Wallet option from the Entry Tasks navigation menu and click on the Linked Email Address button from the upper menu of the screen. 

The Linked Email Addresses window will pop up asking you to link your current user email address (linked to your user account) to the ExpensePoint™ wallet email address, in order to facilitate the transmission of receipts from your email to our system. 


Once you click Yes, add it button, you will see the emails list screen with a Status column showing the status of email verification. 

If you wish to link another email address, that is not linked to your user account go to this article to learn more on how to Add a Linked Email Address


To verify your email, go to your email inbox and look for the ExpensePoint™ email. Click on the Confirm your email address link from your linked email. 


As soon as your email is confirmed you will see a successful confirmation message. 


 If the link has expired, or you've clicked on a duplicate email, which came sooner than the latest one, you will get an error message. 


 You would need to resend the email and click on the Confirm your email address from the latest email received. 

To resend an email click on the Resend Verification button from the top menu of the Linked Email Addresses window. 

As soon as you resend the verification, check your inbox to find the ExpensePoint™ email to verify it by clicking on the link inside it. If you didn’t receive the email, check your Spam folder.