Modify User

When editing an existing user, ensure that you have the All Users user group selected from the upper part of the workspace, unless this User belongs to another User Group from where you can select it. To add a user click on the Add User option from the User Tasks navigation menu on the left side of the screen. 

To make any edits to a User, click on the Modify User option from the User Tasks navigation menu on the left side of the screen and the User Editor window will open. 


The User Editor includes 4 main tabs: 

  • General 
  • Permission 
  • Members 
  • Roles 
  • Categories 



From the General tab you can edit User's basic information such as: 

  • Email Address - enter a valid email address of the user 
  • First Name 
  • Last Name 
  • Title - enter the title of the user within your organization 
  • Department - assign the department to which this user belongs. Select the department from the dropdown list. 
  • Currency - select the currency in which the user is expected to submit the expense report. 
  • Address 1 - enter user's address 
  • Address 2 
  • City 
  • State/Province 
  • Zip/Postal Code 
  • Country 
  • Phone Number 
  • Account is disabled checkbox option - by clicking on this checkbox, the user will be disabled and will no longer have access to the EP system. 

User Defaults 

From the User Defaults tab, you can adjust pre-filled fields for the User.  Learn more about setting User Defaults in this article

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated



From the Permissions tab, you can adjust the permissions of the User.  


Member Of 

The Member Of tab allows you to modify the User Groups where the User belongs. 

To Add or Remove a User from a User Group, learn more from these articles. 



The Authoring tab allows you to Add or remove Delegates off the User. 

 To Add or Remove a Delegate, learn more from these articles. 



The Roles tab allows you to modify the Role of the User

 To Add or Remove a Role, learn more from these articles. 


Watch the video below about Modifying a User.