My Pending Reports

You will have access to an informative dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of your expenses and reports. 

Depending on what time of user you are, whether a Submitter or other, you will see different sections on the Dashboard. 

As a Submitter user, your Dashboard will include 4 main sections: 

  1. Your Pending Reports 
  1. Company Links 
  1. Total Value of Your Approved Expenses 
  1. Total Value of Your Approved Expenses By month 

Your Pending Reports - this section will list all the expense reports you have submitted, that are pending approvals. The list will include: 

  • Days Pending - total amount of days elapsed since the report has been submitted for approval. 
  • Report Title - the name of the report 
  • Expense Count - total expense line items on the report 
  • Amount - the total amount of the expense report that would be approved. The total amount will be in your currency. 

The list will also show the total: 

  • Pending Reports - the count of all pending reports submitted for approval. 
  • Value of Reports - the total value for all submitted pending reports.