New Expense

This module is mainly used to create a manual expense from your mobile app. To learn more about more easy ways to create an Expense go to Create an Expense from a Receipt or Create an Expense from a Transaction. 

To manually create expenses for an expense report, you would need to go to the New Expense module from the bottom of Expense menu tab. 


Alternatively, you can create a manual expense, from the inside of an Expense Report that you have created. Learn more how to Create an Expense from the Expense Report 

If you have note yet created an Expense Report, you can create/add a manual expense, from your Expense Report screen, by tapping on the plus icon in the upper right corner of the screen. 

By tapping on the New Expense, the New Expense screen will open with all the information needed for it. 


You would need to have an existing Expense Report, which you can pick from the Report dropdown. 

This will allow you to pick the Expense Report from the list: 


If you previously have not created an Expense Report, you can do so by tapping on the plus icon in the upper right corner of the screen. 

Then you'd need to enter the new report details: 

  Once you've saved the new report by tapping on the Add icon, you can continue adding the information to the expense that you're creating. 


Next, you will have 2 options to add your receipt to the expense you’re creating: 

  • From the Receipt Wallet  (learn more) 
  • By taking a picture of your receipt (learn more) 

 If necessary, you can delete the uploaded receipt to replace it with another one. 

You can tap on the uploaded receipt to open the receipt screen and view the details.  


To learn more about the details required for an Expense in this article<link> 

Once you've added the receipt, you can add the date when the expense occurred in the Date Incurred field: 

Select the date from the bottom part of your phone: 



Then select the category from the dropdown in the Category field:  

The list of Categories will open to enable your selection: 


Note: You cannot save an expense until you enter the category and other expense details that have a required mark . The hamburger menu will not have the Save option available for you to save the expense. 



As soon as you choose the Category, you will notice additional fields will be added to your New Expense screen. 

For the selected expense Category you will need to enter the Provider, Establishment or Vendor name where this expense incurred: 

 By tapping on the dropdown in this field, the list of options will open, and you can choose the vendor: 


If you do not have a Vendor listed on the list of options, you can create one by tapping on the plus icon from the upper right corner of the screen

Note: You organization might have a preselected list of Vendors and creating a new Vendor may not be an option. 

 You will need to enter the name of the vendor by tapping through the phone keyboard, then tap Add once done to save it. 


Choose the Payment Type from the list of dropdown options (to change image): 

Note: If you do not see the payment type needed for your expense, contact your company administrator to have them review your request. 

 Then you will need to select the GL Code

 If applicable, select the necessary GL Code from the dropdown list options: 

Note: Some GL Codes/Segments might have additional categories with dropdown options for you to choose from. 

The toggle for Uncheck if no receipt will be enabled by default.  Unchecking the box will require you to Enter Reason for the missing receipt. 

This toggle marks that the expense you're creating is supposed to have an attached receipt to it. 


Enter Reason or Business Purpose field is a required field, and you will not be able to save the Expense until you enter the details. 

Enter the business purpose of the expense you are creating by typing from the phone keyboard. 


Enter the List of Attendees for this Expense. List all the contacts that joined you at the time of this Expense

Enter the total number of attendees for it: 

Once done, you can now enter the Cost Per Person in the following field. Alternatively, you can move down to the Total field to enter the total amount of the expense and since you already have the number of attendees entered, the cost per person will be auto calculated: 

Tap on the filed and you will be able to enter the numbers for the cost. 

If the expense that you are creating, was in a different currency than your default ExpensePoint™ app currency, then you can select the necessary currency from the Currency field. 


 Tap on it and the Currency selector screen will open to allow you to choose the currency of the expense/receipt. 


 If necessary, choose the Region where this expense occurred.  

Tap on the Region dropdown field to open the region options: 


If you've applied a different currency for the expense, you will see the Exchange Rate field showing up to display the most up to date exchange rate for that currency based on rates. 

 If the currency is no longer relevant for the date of the expense, you may adjust it manually by entering the appropriate currency. 

 The Taxes field will be auto filled as soon as you enter the receipt total or total field. Depending on the types of taxes you have set up for your organization, it will be auto applied.  

If you need to adjust the taxes, you may tap on the Taxes field to get to the Taxes selection screen. From there you can toggle the necessary tax type you require. If you do not see the needed tax type, contact your administrator. 

To wrap up your Expense entry, enter the Receipt total if you have not entered any of the previous fields (e.g. Number of Attendees and Cost Per Person

You will notice that the Total field will autofill as soon as you enter the Receipt Total. However, you may adjust the Total if you paid anything in addition to the Receipt Total (e.g. Tips) 

As soon as you have all the expense details entered, you can go ahead and save it by tapping on the Save icon from the upper right corner of the screen. 


Alternatively, you can tap on the Save icon from the hamburger menu of that same screen.  

If you have not entered all the fields that are required, you will not be able to Save the Expense

 If you are trying to add an expense that is out of the range from what your company allows, you will get a Policy Infraction message, notifying you about the policy infraction. 

  From here, you can review the Expense to make necessary adjustments to it to comply with the company policies. Tap on Review to do so. 

Otherwise, you can Save it, but this expense will be flagged on the Expense Details screen with a red ribbon on top of the screen, as well as have a flag icon on the Expenses List View.