Notification Settings

Notifications help inform the users about their status of the submitted expenses as well as the status in the approval workflow when received, approved, or rejected. This keeps users updated on the status of their expense reports and ensures transparency in the approval process. 

Depending on your ExpensePoint ™ account setup, your administrator could enable: 

  1. Notifications to users about reports sent to accounting 
  1. Notifications to users about accounting-approved reports 
  1. Notifications to users about declined expenses 
  1. Notifications to users about imported transactions   

Note: the following notifications only applies to Approvers and Accounting users. 

  1. Notifications to approvers and accounting about reassigned expenses 
  1. Notifications for approvers and accounting about reports sent for review 

If any one of the above notifications was enabled by your administrator for your organization, you have the option to unsubscribe/subscribe from them. 

To manage your notifications preferences, go to the Notification Settings option from the Personal Settings menu on the left side navigation. 


The Notifications Settings window will open and display the options to: 

  • Subscribe to email notifications 
  • Enable/Disable your linked devices 


To subscribe to email notifications, you have 2 options: 

  • Get email notifications instantly - the system will send you in-app notifications as soon as they are prompted. This is helpful especially when there are not too many expense reports. 
  • Only one email notification per day at <time frequency> - will send you aggregated notifications as 1 time per the hourly frequency you set. This is helpful when you do not want too many emails, but rather 1 email with compiled information. Some users or organizations prefer these settings to avoid disruptions while the volumes are high. 

 If unselected, add the checkbox to the “Subscribe to email notifications” and choose one of the options described above. If you prefer to unsubscribe, remove the checkbox. 

To disable push notifications on your mobile device or other linked devices (e.g.tablet), click on the device name from My Mobile Devices list in the Notifications Settings screen. Once clicked on any of the available devices, the Disable button will appear. 

You may proceed by clicking on the Disable button, if you intend to disable the notifications from this device. Or click Cancel to disregard this action.