Payment Type

Payment types encompass the various methods used to settle expenses, defining how financial transactions are conducted within an organization. This can include: 

  • Paid with Cash Advance 
  • Paid by Employee (out of pocket) 
  • Paid by the Company (mostly by corporate credit card) 
  • Reimburse Company 
  • Reimburse Employee 
  • Reduce Cash Advance  
  • No Settlement Required  


To manage your payment types, go to Settings Manager module from the top of your ExpensePoint™ app. 

The click on the Payment Type left side navigation menu. 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

The Payment Type workspace will open displaying the Payment Types List

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

 The list includes such details as: 

  • Payment Type 
  • Payment Type Code 
  • Account 


From the Payment Type navigation menu on the left side, you can choose to: 

  • Add Payment Type 
  • Edit Payment Type 
  • Delete Payment Type 


Watch the video below about Payment Types.