Policy Manager

Policies define clear and specific guidelines for employees regarding what expenses are allowed, disallowed, or subject to certain conditions. For example, there might specify spending limits, categories of allowable expenses, and documentation requirements. These policies help ensure that expenses are managed in accordance with the company's rules, industry regulations, and best practices. 

By setting spending limits and restrictions, policies help control costs and prevent excessive or unauthorized spending. ExpensePoint™ automates policy checks, flagging or blocking expenses that violate policy rules. This helps prevent policy breaches before they occur. 

Policies can dictate the approval hierarchy for expense reports, specifying who needs to approve expenses at different levels, such as managers, department heads, or finance teams. Learn more about the Workflow Manager in this article. 

The Policy Manager will allow you to view or manage your organization’s policies for Submitters’ Expense Reports.  

To get to the Policy Manager, click on the Policy Manager module from the top of your ExpensePoint™ app. 

The Policy Manager will allow you to view or manage your organization’s policies for Submitters’ Expense Reports.  

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The main workspace from the Policy Manager module includes the Policies section with the list of policies

The Policy Manager includes the Author Policy Tasks navigation menu with the following action options: 

  • Add New Policy 
  • Modify Policy 
  • Delete Policy(s) 

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With the ExpensePoint™ Policy Manager your organization can customize policies to align with your specific business needs, industry standards, or unique expense requirements. 


Watch the video below about the Policy Manager.