Projects allow you to categorize expenses based on specific initiatives or undertakings within your organization. This helps you track how much is being spent on each project, making it easier to manage budgets and resources.
This can be very useful in organizations where expenses are shared among multiple projects or departments and project tracking ensures accurate cost allocation.
To view the list of your Projects in ExpensePoint™, go to the Projects options from the Personal Settings navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
The Personal Project Editor window will open displaying the list of Projects you have set up.
From here, you will be able to create a project or delete a project.
Add Project
To create a project, got to the Projects option from the Personal Settings menu from the left side navigation.
From the Personal Project Editor window, click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen.
Start typing the name for your new project and click Save.
Once saved, it should be available in the Projects list view.
Delete Project
To delete a project, go to the Projects option from the Personal Settings menu from the left side navigation.
From the Personal Project Editor list, select the project you wish to delete then click on the Remove button at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you are unable to delete a Project, contact your administrator to check your permissions.
A confirmation window will pop up asking you to confirm this action.
Click Yes to proceed with the deletion, otherwise click No or the X icon from the upper right of the screen to cancel.