The Quick Search provides you a few filtering options for all your expense reports. Depending on the submission status, the date of the expense report and permissions you may select different options for the Quick Search.
The Quick Search provides information on your:
- Current Work
- Recent Work
- All My Work
The Search functionality allows you to search the list of Expense Reports based on:
- Author or user
- Keyword from the expense report
- Date Range
- Submission status and approval
To enable this functionality click on the Search option, from the Quick Search navigation menu from the left side of the screen. You also need to click on any of the other filter options to apply this Search:
- My Current Work
- My Recent Work
- All My Work
If you no longer need the Search, you can always click on it again to disable.
The additional search section will show up above the expense reports section.
- To search by author or user, you can either enter a keyword to look up the user, or click on the icon from the right side of the search bar
Select the user from the list to search the Expense Reports for this user (with applicable permissions)
- To filter expense reports based on the date range, make your selection under the Date Range field in the search area.
The available options are:
- Today
- Yesterday
- This Week
- Last Week
- This Month
- Last Month
- This Quarter
- Last Quarter
- This Year
- Last Year
- Custom
Once you apply the filter, all the expense reports that meet the filter criteria will be presented under the Expense Report section within your workspace.
- To search expense reports based on the submission status and approval, you have a few options:
- Unsubmitted
- Submitted
- Accounting Approved
Unsubmitted - expense reports that you have created but not yet submitted.
Submitted - expense reports that you have create and submitted for approval (next level of approval and/or multiple approvers)
Accounting Approved - expense reports that were accepted and approved by the accounting department, therefore final approval.
Note: The following menu options will only be available/visible to you if you click on any of the Expenses from the Expenses section in your Expense Manager workspace.