Receipt Wallet

The Receipt Wallet is your wallet to store all your digital receipts for your Expenses, which will be submitted as part of your Expense Reports

 A good habit to have is that as soon as you swipe your card or purchase something, it's a good idea to take a picture of that receipt to store it in your virtual receipt wallet. 

Generally, the Receipt Wallet stores information about when we spent, where we spent it, how much it was spent, and some descriptions of the Expenses

To navigate to the Receipt Wallet, tap the Receipt Wallet module from the Expense tab on the bottom navigation menu. 

The Receipt Wallet screen will open.  


    If you do not have any Receipts, the list will empty, and you should be able to take a picture of your Receipts by tapping on the Take a Picture icon or the Camera icon from the upper right corner of the screen. 

  This will enable the Camera feature. Click here to learn more about Scanning Receipts

Once you've taken a picture of your Receipt, it will be added to your Receipt Wallet, and you should be able to see it on the list. 

The Receipt Wallet also allows you to search. Enter the keyword in the search bar from the top of the screen to enable the search across your Receipts