Restore a Deleted Receipt

To Restore a Receipt that was previously deleted go to the Trash option from the Receipt Wallet hamburger menu. 

From there you will see the list of previously deleted receipts in the last 30 days. 

There are 3 ways you can Restore a deleted receipt. 

  1. Swipe left the Receipt you wish to Restore and tap on the Restore button that showed up. 

2. Tap on the Select option from the hamburger menu and select the Receipt you would like to Restore. 

Then tap on the Restore menu option from the same hamburger menu. 

3.Tap on the Receipt itself to get to the Receipt Details screen and from there, go to the upper right hamburger menu and choose the Restore menu option. 

Either way, this will restore the necessary Receipt(s)back to the Receipt Wallet and you should be able to see it the list. 

Note: When you Restore a Receipt that belongs to an Expense, the restores receipt will only go back to the Receipt Wallet, and not to the Expense itself. You will need to attach back the Receipt to the Expense.