
ExpensePoint™ is great a digital tool that allows you to capture and convert physical paper receipts and documents into digital formats. This scanning capability simplifies the process of recording and managing expenses by enable you to easily upload and attach receipts to your expense reports within the system. It enhances accuracy, reduces manual data entry, and ensures that supporting documentation is readily available for expense verification and compliance purposes. 

To access camera feature in the ExpensePoint™ mobile app go to the bottom menu and tap on the Camera icon. 


You can add receipts to your wallet by: 

  • Taking a picture of your receipt(s) 
  • Select a picture form the Camera Roll 
  • Sent receipt through the linked email 

If you're in the process of creating an Expense, you will have the ability to scan a receipt by tapping on the Camera icon form your Expense

Or, if you are on the Receipt Wallet screen you can also scan your Receipt from there: 

Either way, tap on the Camera icon to open it and the Camera will open. 

  If this is the first time, you are opening the Camera on your mobile app or if you didn't allow Camera permissions before, you will need to do so to enable this capability. Learn more about Camera permissions. 

If your camera permissions were set to allow access, you will be able to take a picture of your receipt. Tap on circle icon: 



Note: You can also take picture of 2 receipts at the same time for situations where for example you have a receipt for the meal, but the second receipt shows the total amount including the tip. 

Once you have taken the picture of your Receipt, you can enter a name or description for it. You can type it through the keyboard that will open from the bottom of the screen, or you can also add the description by voice. Learn more about that in this article. 


If you are not satisfied with the picture, you can retake it. 

 Note: You can set a higher quality of the photo through the Settings. Learn more about it in this article. 

Tap on Upload to upload the picture to your Receipt Wallet. 

When you are done with the description for your Receipt, you will have the options to either Upload it to your Receipt Wallet or Cancel

The Upload process will start and you will get a notification (green checkmark) once it's done. 


As soon as you have taken as many pictures as you need you should be able to see all of your Receipts in your Receipt Wallet. Learn more about the Receipt Wallet