Scheduling Output File

Under the Scheduling tab you can set a schedule when the automated file output should be sent into your accounting system through the SFTP

 From here you can set the Scheduling details and the details for the Submission

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From the Schedule select the type of output either Manual (no automation) or Scheduled (through the automation). 

If you select Manual, you will be able to send the file whenever you are ready to initiate the processing. You are in control of the data transmission. 

If you select the Scheduled option, you will need to enter the details of the date/time and frequency when you wish the automation to trigger the processing. 

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In either case, you will also need to enter the method of the file submission under the Submission section. You have a few options to choose from the Send Via field:  

  • Do no send – the file will not be sent anywhere 
  • SFTP – send the file through a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Recommended 
  • FTP – regular File Transfer Protocol (unsecured) Not recommended 
  • Email - enter the Email address if you would like to get the file by email 
  • HTTP Post - enter the HTTP URL if you would like to post this file to an external link. 


If you have selected SFTP or FTP submission method, you will need to enter further details and credentials: 

  • SFTP Server - enter the name of the server  
  • Port - enter the name of the port 
  • Username - enter the username for the server above 
  • Password - enter the password for the server above 
  • Folder - enter the folder from your server where the file should be placed 
  • Binary File Transfer (not ASCII) - enable this checkbox if you would like the output file to be in a binary file format 

 Note: Check with your IT Department for these technical details. 

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As soon as you are done setting up the automation for the Output File, click OK to save it.


Watch the video below about Scheduling and Submission of an Output File.