Security and Privacy

To adjust you Security and Privacy Settings you can go to the Settings Manager module from the top of your screen. 

 Click on the Security & Privacy from the left side navigation menu. 

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 The Security & Privacy workspace will allow you to adjust 4 main areas: 

  • Authentication Method 
  • API Key 
  • Privacy 
  • Password Policy 


Authentication Method - allows you to set the way people authenticate or login into your ExpensePoint™ system. You can choose from: 

  • Password - allows users to login through their email and password 
  • OpenID Connect – choose this identity protocol type to allow users to login through the Single Sign-On (SSO) option integrated with your system. 
  • SAML - choose this identity protocol type to allow users to login through the Single Sign-On (SSO) option integrated with your system. 
  • Allow password fallback - Allows company to use SSO and password fallback.  Used when SSO is not fully deployed in a company. 

 API Key - to integrate EP with your HR or accounting system, as applicable. You will have the following options: 

  • API key - if you do not have an API key previously created, you may do so by clicking on the Create key button 

Which will generate the API key for you that you can use for the integration. 


 Privacy – used to apply government policies to personal information. 

  • Activate GDPR/Data Privacy Features 
  • This will allow user to view and download their personal information 

 Password Policy - this will allow you to set the requirements for your users password. This is helpful if your company has specific requirements for the system passwords. 

 The options are: 

  • Use default system settings 
  • Maximun Password Age (days) 
  • Minimum Password Length 
  • Password requires lower case characters 
  • Password requires upper case characters 
  • Password requires numeric characters 
  • Password requires special characters 
  • Allow password reuse 
  • Strength strong 

 As soon as you are done adjusting any of the settings from the above sections, click on Save button to save all the edits. 


Watch the video below to learn more about Security and Privacy.