Send Password Recovery Email

Users frequently forget their passwords. A Password Recovery Email allows them to regain access to their accounts when they cannot remember their login credentials. 

Similarly, Users who suspect unauthorized access to their accounts may request a Password Reset as a security measure to regain control over their account. 

Password Recovery Emails are a secure method for confirming a User's identity before allowing them to Reset their Password, helping to protect user data. The Password Recovery Email will expire in 1 hour after it was sent. 

To send a password recovery email to a User, go to Send Password Recovery Email option from the User Tasks

A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

This will prompt a confirmation screen: 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

By clicking Yes, the selected user will be getting an email to Recover their Password. By clicking No the window will close with no further action. 

Instructions on how to Recover their Password will be provided within the email the user would have received. 


Watch the video below about Sending Password Recovery Email.