Split/Bill Expense

Companies often need to divide expenses because they are frequently allocated to various expense categories. This is where the Splitting an Expense function can prove to be quite useful. 

To Split an Expense, select the Expense Report from where the Expense belongs. 

Then click on the Expense that you wish to Split.  

As soon as you select, click on the Split Expense option form the Entry Tasks. 

The new Split Expense window will open with additional information for you to enter. It’s important to enter either the: 

  1. % of split allocation – the split expense will be worth the % you enter in this field. It will be auto calculated base don the % and the amount of the original expense.
  2. or the exact amount for the split – the split expense will be worth the amount you enter for it

Once you enter the Split (either by $ or amount), do not forget to enter the other necessary details for the Expense. Ensure you select the right Category and attach Receipts as necessary. 

To allocate a partial amount of an Expense to a Client you can click on the Bill to Client. This way the Client can be billed for this Expense portion. You can also allocate partial amounts of an Expense to other GL departments or projects, or however your company GL is structured.  To do that, click on the Bill to GL Account option to assign this portion of the expense to the other party. 

When you done editing the Split Expense, click on the Save icon to save it. On the Expenses list you will notice now both Expenses, but one of the is linked to the original one and is indented for better visibility. 

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When you split an expense, the original expense line will still show the full amount and the other one will only show the Split amount. However, if you would do a report print preview, you would see the split and the amounts will be split. 

Note: When trying to split the original expense, it would need to be in the Unsubmitted status.  If an edit is required, the message will have error. 

You can split an expense as many times as you need. For this, choose the Split/Bill Expense Again option form the Entry Tasks navigation menu. 

Each Split will always display as indented record under the original Expense

You can copy the split function across any number of expenses. Learn more about Copying the Split Allocation in this article.