Submit Report

Submitting Expense Reports in ExpensePoint™ is quick and easy. All the unsubmitted expense reports will have a triangle icon by the User name. Before submitting an Expense Report, ensure that you do not have any conflicts, which usually show a triangle icon on the expense line in the Expense Reports section: 

  Such expense reports require your attention and will need further input from you. Additionally, the expense from the Expenses section will also show the triangle icon and the status column will display "Edit required" status for you to input the additional/missing details. 


To make further edits in the expense, double click on the expense row and make the necessary adjustments. To quickly understand what is missing, pay attention at the red exclamation marks in a little circle above the fields that are mark a required field

Note: The receipt included checkbox, if checked, the system cannot validate if it is true or not, it is up to the approver to check. If the user unselected this field, they are required to enter a reason for the missing receipt. For the approver, to check quickly if the receipt is attached or not, for to the Receipt column to the far right in the expenses table. You might need to decrease the receipts section, by resizing your workspace. 

 As soon as you have entered the necessary information or made any adjustments, click on Save to save your edits and the expense row from the Expenses section will no longer show the triangle icon on it and the Status column will chance to a new submission status - e.g. Unsubmitted

While editing Expenses, every time you save a new update, it will be logged under the History tab from the Expense window: 


 By clicking on the History button from the upper menu of the window, the history of all modifications will open ordered in a descending order based on the modification date. 


To close the History tab, click anywhere outside of the history screen, but within the Expense window. 

Note: The triangle icon from the Expense Reports section shows the Unsubmitted status  and does not necessarily advise about any conflicts. 

Note: The Expense Reports that require your attention and need further edits, you will not be able to submit: 

Once you are ready to submit an expense report, click on the Submit Report option form the Entry Tasks navigation menu and a confirmation window will pop up: 

Confirm your submission by Yes or click No to cancel. 

As soon as you submit your expense report, the triangle icon will disappear and the expense report will be moved to My Recent Work menu under the Quick Search or if it has been more than a day, you can also find it in the All My Work option.  

The expenses line items will change its statuses to “With X Approver User” and the triangle icon from the expense header and line item will disappear.   

Once the report has been submitted, when an expense within the submitted expense will display an updated menu on the left side. It will include a new Reassign Expense option and remove a few of the previously available options.  

 All submitted reports will go through your approver. If there are multiple approvers, then the report will move through the workflow as set by your administrator. Learn more about managing the approval workflows as an administrator.