Submit an Expense Report

Submit an Expense Report in ExpensePoint Mobile App.

Submitting Expense Reports will record the business-related expenses for review and approval within your organization. This involves recording expenses, attaching receipts, categorizing expenses, and ensuring compliance with company policies. When the report is submitted for review by approvers, and once approved, the expenses are reimbursed to the employee. 

Once you’re ready to Submit an Expense Report, go to My Reports module from the Expense navigation tab. 

From there, go to the upper right hamburger menu and choose the Select option first. By tapping on it, the Submit Report menu item will show up. This will also allow you to pick the Expense Report you wish to Submit

Once the Expense Report(s) is selected, tap on the Submit Report menu option to submit it.  


Note: If you only have an Expense Report created and there are no Expenses inside, the Submit Report option will not be available for this report. 

A confirmation message will show up asking you to confirm the submission: 

The message will also remind you that once the report is submitted, all expenses including those that are out of policy will be submitted as well. 

 If you confirm, tap on Submit, otherwise tap No

 Once you tap on Submit, the Expense Report will be submitted, and it will go into the Approver's queue for approval.