Upload Receipts

Upload Receipts into your Receipt Wallet.

If you do not have any receipts yet in your Receipt Wallet, you can add them by clicking on the Upload button in the upper menu of the Receipt Wallet screen. 


The Upload Image window will open to enable you to browse files on your computer. 


Click on Browse button and click on the file you wish to upload. You might need to get to the right folder from your computer to find the right file you wish to upload. 

ExpensePoint™ allows you to upload JPEG, PNG or PDF files. 


Once the file is selected, you will have the option to delete it by clicking on the red X icon next to the Browse button. Otherwise, you can click on Upload, to save the file in your Receipt Wallet


Uploading receipts enables our ExpensePoint ™ receipt reader, which instantaneously read the information from the receipt and outputs the data into ExpensePoint™. 

While uploading your receipt, you will be notified the estimated wait time until the receipt reader finishes processing /scanning it. 

 If you are trying to upload anything other than a receipt, ExpensePoint™ receipt reader, will notify you that this is NOT A RECEIPT, once it has completed its reading process. 

The receipt reader would read the Vendor Name, the date and the total amount of the receipt. 

The image of the receipt along with its information will be available to you for each uploaded receipt in the Receipt Wallet