User Roles

ExpensePoint features 4 main user roles: Submitter, Approver, Administrator and Accounting. However, administrators have the capability to establish new user roles and fine-tune their permissions. Here's a breakdown of the functions associated with each user role: 

Submitter: Submitters are typically employees within the organization. They possess the authority to upload receipts, create expenses, and compile and submit expense reports for approval. 

Approver: Approvers, often team leaders and managers, possess all the privileges of a submitter. Additionally, they are empowered to give their approval to submitted reports by others. 

Admin: Admins, who are typically managers, finance team members, and individuals overseeing travel arrangements, enjoy extensive access within the product. They can navigate all modules, configure preferences, assign user roles, and execute various actions to maintain system functionality and organization-wide operations. 

Accounting: Users with the accounting role possess responsibilities related to managing financial transactions, reconciling accounts, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. They can access specific modules and perform tasks associated with financial accounting and reporting.