
The Vendors menu option is essential for maintaining accurate vendors records and streamlining expense tracking for effective expense management within your organization. 

ExpensePoint™ Vendors allow you to manage your vendors or suppliers per expense category. You can associate expenses with specific vendors, making it easier to track and categorize expenditures. This helps the company’s financial analysis, and expense reporting. 

To view or set up your vendors, go to the Vendors option from the Personal Settings navigation menu on the left side of the screen. 


   By clicking on it, the Personal Vendor Editor will pop up with the list of categories and vendor options. 

 If you already have some vendors set up, the list will display them under the corresponding category. You will also have a few options available to Add new vendor, Remove, Cut, Paste or Copy any of the existing vendor(s). 


Add a New Vendor 

To add a new vendor, go to the Vendors option from the Personal Settings navigation menu under the Profile module. 


From the Personal Vendor Editor window, click on the category to which you’d like to add the vendor the click on the Add button. 


A new window will pop up to let you Add Personal Vendor

Note: This icon means the field cannot be left empty. It requires text input before it can be saved. 

 Enter the name of the Vendor in the Title field and Save it. Once done, you should be able to see the newly added vendor in your list of Vendors


Duplicate or Copy Vendor 

In cases where you need to track expenses by specific categories (e.g., marketing expenses, IT expenses) for the same vendor, duplicating the vendor and associating each duplicate with a specific category can help with expense categorization and reporting. 

To duplicate a vendor, go to the Vendors option from the Personal Settings navigation menu under the Profile module. 


From the Personal Vendor Editor click on the category to which the vendor belongs. Once the category is selected and available vendors are displayed on the right side of the screen, select the desired vendor you wish to duplicate then click on Copy

  Go to the category to which you wish to duplicate the selected vendor.  Then, click on Paste button to finalize the duplication. 

Now you should see the duplicated vendor in both categories. 

Move Vendor 

If you’d like to move a vendor from one category to another, select the category and the vendor you wish to move from the Personal Vendor Editor window from the Vendors menu option: 

Click on the Cut button, the select the category to which you’d like to move the vendor to: 

Then click on the Paste button. The Vendor will be now moved to this category and removed from the previous category: