
The Vendor tab includes the global vendors list available to Submitters for this Category.  From here you can view, create or delete Vendors

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Note: Personal Vendors will not show up in this list. The Vendors that are set up through Settings are available to all users. Personal Vendors set up by individual users will be available only to those users. 


To create a Vendor, click on the Add button and enter the Vendor name on the Vendor Editor window: 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Click OK to save. 


If you have/create multiple vendors and some or all need to be assigned to the created/modified category, click on one of the vendors, then hold Ctrl button to select multiple vendors. This way, the Category you are creating will have all these vendors available. 

To remove Vendors from this Category, click on Remove button from the bottom of the Vendors table 

A confirmation window will popup asking you to confirm the deletion for the Vendor. Click Yes to confirm, or No to cancel. 


Watch the video below about the Vendors tab from the Categories.