View Application Info

The Application Info provides you with information about the current version of the app you are using. This can be helpful for troubleshooting and ensuring that you have the latest updates and is especially important for troubleshooting.  

When inquiring about any issues you are facing with ExpensePoint™, please include the details or a screenshot of the system info, so that our customer service team has complete details for assistance with your issue, feedback, or reporting problems. 

System information is available under the Application Info option form the User Tasks navigation menu. 


By clicking on the Application Info, the System Info screen will pop up with helpful information about the current ExpensePoint™ app that you’re are using. 


  The information available to you will include: 

  • Application Version (Format: x.x.xx) refers to the specific release or build of your application. 
  • Server Version (Format: x,x,xx) specifies the server software or system hosting your application or service. 
  • Master Server Version (Format: x.x.x) is a specific version of the central server or master node in a network or system. 
  • Imaging Version (Format: x,x,x) pertains to software used for imaging, such as image processing or creating disk images. 
  • Browser Version refers to the specific release of a web browser software. 
  • OS Version represents the specific release of the operating system. 
  • Current Culture refers to the regional settings configured on the application. It encompasses language, date and time formats, currency symbols, and other locale-specific settings.