View Report Info

To view or edit an expense report information, go to View Report Info option from the Entry Tasks navigation menu from the left side of your screen. Please note, that this option will only be available if you select any expense report form the Expense Reports section. 


By clicking on View Report Info, a window will pop up with the latest information entered for the selected expense report: 


You may view or edit any of the available fields: 

  • User - this field is not editable but shows the user for which this expense report was created. 
  • Report Title - view the report tile and modify it as necessary 
  • Summary - view or enter the summary for this expense report. This serves as helpful information for your reference. 

 If you are editing any of these details, you may click Save to save the updates.  

You may also add any comments by clicking on the Comments button from the upper menu of the screen.