View Transactions

To view the Transactions from an imported file, go to the Transaction Manager module from the top of your ExpensePoint™ app. 

Select the Template name from the workspace. 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

You can either double click on it or click on the View Imports option from the left side navigation menu. 

This will display all of the files that were imported through this Template

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Select the imported file name from the list 

Then click on the View Transactions option from the left side navigation menu. 

The Workspace will display the Transactions list from the imported file. The list includes: 

  • User Name – the cardholder name 
  • User identifier 
  • Date Incurred – the date when the expense incurred 
  • Posted Date – the date when the financial institution posted(published) the transaction 
  • Vendor – the vendor where this expense occured 
  • Receipt Total  
  • Transaction Type 


Watch the video below about Viewing Transactions.