Workflow Manager

The Workflow Manager is a versatile tool that help organizations automate, optimize, and streamline their Expense Reports processes. It also helps organizations enhance productivity, reduce errors, and improve collaboration and communication among team members. 

Approval Workflows ensure that all Expenses incurred by employees are reviewed and approved according to the organization's policies and compliance requirements.  

Roles play a crucial role in the Approval Workflow. Designated Roles review and Approve or Reject expenses submitted by their team members. This oversight ensures that managers are aware of their team's spending and can make informed decisions about budget allocation. 

The Workflow Manager allows you to create, modify or delete user Roles, as well as create/modify or delete the Conditions for these Roles. 

To get to the Workflow Manager, tap on it from the top menu of the ExpensePoint™ App. 

The Workflow Manager includes 2 main sections: 

  • Approval Roles section with the approval roles list  
  • Approval Conditions with the approval conditions list 

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You may select any of the Roles or Conditions to perform any actions with them.  On the left side of the navigation menu the Workflow Manager includes: 

  • Role Tasks 
  • Condition Tasks 

The Role tasks will allow you to: 

  • Add New Role 
  • Modify Role 
  • Delete Role 

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The Condition Tasks will allow you to: 

  • Add New Condition 
  • Modify Condition 
  • Delete Condition 

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The Workflow Manager is especially helpful in a situation where someone is on vacation, you have the option to temporarily replace them as an Approver with another individual who can handle report approvals in their absence. Once the vacationer returns, you can swap out the Temporary Approver and reinstate the Original User. This process is more convenient than recreating the entire Workflow for the temporary substitute. 


Watch the video below about the Workflow Manager.