Add Cash Advance

To Add a Cash Advance to an Expense Report, go to the My Reports module from the Expense navigation tab. 

If you do not have an Expense Report created, you must create one before you can Add a Cash Advance. Click here to learn more about how to create an Expense Report

If you already have an expense report, tap on it from the My Reports list, tap on the hamburger menu from the upper right corner of the screen, and choose the Add Cash Advance option. 

Front the New Cash Advance for XYZ Report screen, and add relevant information into the fields: 

  • Date Incurred 
  • Project/#Code 
  • Advance Reason 
  • Additional Notes 
  • Currency 
  • Advance Amount 
  • Converted Total 
  • Advance Remaining 

 Once you enter all the necessary information, please tap on the Save icon  or save it by tapping on the Save menu option from the hamburger menu in the upper right screen. 

You'll need to enter all the required fields. Otherwise, you won't be able to save the Cash Advance

Additionally, you can add Comments to this report by going into the hamburger menu and tapping on the Comments menu option. 

Learn how to add a comment link. 

Once you have saved the cash advance, you will see it as a row item on your Expenses list for the selected Expense Report