Add New Condition

To create a new condition for an Approval Role, go to the Add New Condition option from the Condition Tasks navigation menu on the left side of the screen. 

This will open the Approver Policy Editor window, allowing you to create the new Condition. 


While the Approver Policy Editor and the Author Policy may seem quite similar in scope, they each have distinct purposes that do not intersect. When you are creating a Condition, it can be confusing because the interface is named the Approver Policy Editor. However, it's important to note that this editor is used to create Conditions for the Approval Workflow. You will not find any Conditions or Policies the Policy Manager generates in this list. 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Please don't manually enter the Policy Name in the field. Choose the Condition from the table below the Policy Name field.  If you do not have any conditions previously set, you can create a new one by clicking on the Add button under the Conditions list. Learn more about the Conditions Editor. 

Whether you are Adding, Removing, or Editing Conditions on the Approver Policy Editor screen, once ready, you can click on the Generate Policy Name to create the policy name based on the Conditions applied. This helps to easily find and understand necessary Conditions in the future when creating or modifying Workflow. 

Once you create the Condition from the Approver Policy Editor screen, click OK to save it. 


Watch the video below about Adding a New Condition.