Add New Policy

To add a new policy, go to Add New Policy option from the Author Policy Tasks navigation menu from the left side of your screen. 

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 This will open the Author Policy window: 

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From here you will be able to enter the: 

  • Policy Name 
  • Warning 

and also add the Conditions to trigger the Warning for Policy violations. 

The list of conditions will display the: 

  • Field Name 
  • Operator 
  • Value 

If you do not have any conditions yet you can add or create a new one by clicking on the Add button below the conditions table. 

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A good rule of thumb is the more specific you are with your conditions, the narrower policy you can create. Also, make sure you do not have any contradictory conditions. 

To learn more how to create conditions, check this article

You can add/created as many Conditions as necessary. An example where you’d use 2 Conditions would be the Category is Car Rental and the Amount is over $50.00 per unit

Note:  When creating or modifying Policies where Taxes are being recorded, the Cost Per Unit will be less Tax. 

You can also Remove Conditions from the list, if that is what you need. Select the Condition Name from the list, then click on the Remove button below. 

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Once you have entered the required fields and add the necessary conditions, go ahead click on the Generate Policy Name then click OK to save it. 

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Watch the video below about Adding a New Policy.